Dear Cathedral Community,

Beginning on Friday March 13, 2020, the campus is closed until further notice.
In yesterday’s letter (HERE), we stated: “Taking precautions is the best thing we can do to care for vulnerable populations. We are glad to be a partner with public health agencies to safeguard not only our members, but the larger community around us.”
The latest guidance from Governor Newsom and the California Department of Health concerning public gatherings (HERE) triggered further prayerful consultation about how to care for our community.
In an abundance of caution, we have decided that our worship will be available by livestream only and the campus will be closed, until at least the end of March. This means:
- Please do not come to church for worship services. The doors will be locked.
- Sundays: Please DO worship on-line at 10:30 AM and/or 5 PM (in English) or 1 PM (in Spanish) on Sundays.
- Weekdays: Evening prayer is live streamed on Thursdays at 5 PM on Facebook only (HERE).
- Twelve-step meetings will be held at the discretion of each group, with appropriate social distancing.
- Showers of Blessings: At this time, we are adapting Showers of Blessings (March 21) to comply with the Governor’s guidelines.
- All other on-campus events are cancelled.
Teleconferencing: We are working with ministry leaders to replace in-person meetings with teleconferences.
It can be hard to find God when walking through the wilderness. Perhaps this Lent with the particular challenges we face, we may be offered a new way to let God find us. When we are physically separated as a community, we have an opportunity to expand and improve ways we can care for each other.
Please continue to take care of yourself: wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and self-isolate when you are sick. These remain the best steps for taking care of ourselves and others.
If you need anything, please call the church office at 619-298-7261. However, please remember that the campus is closed beginning Friday, March 13, 2020.
Donna O. Perdue,
Dean’s Warden