Construction Update July 1

  • The Courtyard landscaping will be taken on by SPC, rather than engaging Greystar’s vendor.
    • Kathleen & Bob are working with volunteer landscape architect, Robert Mayberry, on a plan for the greenery in the Courtyard.
  • Resurfacing of the Queen’s Courtyard will progress this week: patching first, then resurfacing. There’s a fence across the courtyard so entry to the Cathedral campus is either on 6th near the construction trailer, or through the Nave.
  • Discussed the progress of the construction on the new building site:
    • Learned that there are forms there are forms on the center elevator/stairwell tower that the cement get poured into, hydraulics push the forms up then they progress up the tower, floor by floor.
    • The first slab on grade has been poured
    • The walls are being waterproofed and then concrete for the walls
    • The first elevate deck pour will encompass most of the dirt that is left in the hole.

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