St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry
Heading toward the end of Lent, Climate Stewards invites us to “fast from temperature luxury.” There are places in the world where such luxury is not an option. In San Diego we are fortunate to enjoy temperatures that allow us to lower our heat and, in this way, lower our impact on the planet.
They continue, “Electricity generation still heavily relies on dirty fuel sources. And the more energy we all demand, the more power plants need to generate. By lowering our energy footprint, we not only save money but also free up energy within the grid.”
And when we FINALLY see our warmer temperatures, turn it up!
Prayer (from Climate Stewards)
Mighty God who causes the sun to shine and the winds to blow, we are grateful for abundant energy. But we lament the inequity and harm the fossil fuel industry and our consumerism and materialism create.
When we feel cold this week, may we pray urgently for energy equity around the world. When we add another layer on to keep warm in our homes, may we look for a brother or sister who needs a coat and give to them freely.
We pray for the agencies, organizations, and communities helping people build and access renewable energy. We lift up Interfaith Power and Light whose work we admire and ask for a blessing on them. We pray also for those suffering from inflation, war, loneliness, and despair. May you be near. Amen.
AND Coming next week! Watch for details on our Family Ministry, Simpler Living and the community April’s EDSD Creation Care Month of Service activity.