The Chapter is the Cathedral’s board of directors. It is charged with managing the temporalities of the Cathedral and has “such powers and duties as ordinarily pertain to Directors of California non-profit religious corporations. Click here to read more about Chapter.
Four members of the Chapter are elected by members of the Cathedral at each Annual Meeting. The term of office is three years.
These are the qualifications for Chapter service, as stated in our by-laws: “Any person who is eighteen (18) years or older, who is eligible to vote on Cathedral matters under Section 3.02, and is not a Cathedral staff member (paid or unpaid) or the brother, sister, spouse, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, mother-in-law, or father-in-law of a Cathedral staff member, is eligible for election to serve as a Chapter member elected by the Members of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
According to the by-laws, A person is qualified to vote if that person:
- Is an Adult Member of the Cathedral as defined in Section 3.0
- Has been a Regular Pledging Contributor of Record to the Cathedral for 210 days prior to the vote
- Is a Communicant of St. Paul’s Cathedral
Currently, Chapter meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Each Fall, a nominating committee is formed with the purpose of developing a slate of Chapter candidates to be presented at the Annual Meeting the following January. To facilitate this process, the following two forms have been developed, to be completed by the nominator (self-nomination is also welcomed), and the candidate, respectively.
The Chapter is the Cathedral’s board of directors. It is charged with managing the temporalities of the Cathedral and has “such powers and duties as ordinarily pertain to Directors of California non-profit religious corporations.
Four members of the Chapter are elected by members of the Cathedral at each Annual Meeting. The term of office is three years.
These are the qualifications for Chapter service, as stated in our by-laws: “Any person who is eighteen (18) years or older, who is eligible to vote on Cathedral matters under Section 3.02, and is not a Cathedral staff member (paid or unpaid) or the brother, sister, spouse, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, mother-in-law, or father-in-law of a Cathedral staff member, is eligible for election to serve as a Chapter member elected by the Members of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
According to the by-laws, A person is qualified to vote if that person:
- Is an Adult Member of the Cathedral as defined in Section 3.0
- Has been a Regular Pledging Contributor of Record to the Cathedral for 210 days prior to the vote
- Is a Communicant of St. Paul’s Cathedral
Currently, Chapter meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Each Fall, a nominating committee is formed with the purpose of developing a slate of Chapter candidates to be presented at the Annual Meeting the following January. To facilitate this process, the following two forms have been developed, to be completed by the nominator (self-nomination is also welcomed), and the candidate, respectively.
Chapter Meetings
Currently, Chapter meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. View our calendar page for meeting details and zoom link. Contact Kathleen Burgess ( for questions.
Click here for the typical annual timetable of Chapter topics.
Chapter Members

The Very Rev. Penny Bridges
Class of 2023:

Martha Curatolo

Rocky Ewell

Justin Lewis

David Spencer
Class of 2024:

Darien DeLorenzo
Dean's Warden

Kimberly Fernandez
People's Warden

Wanda Porrata

Allen Mutchler
Class of 2026:

Phyllis Lengyel

Sue Kelly
People's Warden

Blair Shamel

Paul Teyssier
Class of 2027:

Kimberly Fernandez
Dean's Warden

Angel Ibarra

Allen Mutchler

Joanna Airhart
Class of 2028:

Rob Ewell

Demetreus Gregg

Stacey Klaman

Roland Tactay
Diocesan Representatives

The Rev. Andrew Green

Neil Malmquist

Stephen Turnbull
Bishop's Warden

Mark VonderHaar

Betsey Monsell

Rev. Michael Kilpatrick