Dear St. Paul’s family,

Porta-Potty in the Olive parking lot. They are signs that the real work of the Cathedral Campus Redevelopment Project is under way!
Here’s a quick update:
For the past several weeks repair work has been ongoing to restore the ministry center (formerly the bishop’s office, now the library) after a sewer disaster damaged the walls and floor. This work is almost complete.
On Monday May 13, ownership of the northern part of our block passed from the Nutmeg and Olive LLC to Greystar, Inc.
On Monday May 20, asbestos abatement work started in the boiler room underneath the Great Hall. The old boiler mechanism and parts of the elevator will be removed in the coming weeks, and because of the age of the building, asbestos is present, so a specialized team is working on removing the asbestos as part of preparing for the utility and elevator improvements that must be done to the facility that we will continue to own and use, before the parts we have sold can be demolished.
The Porta-Potty is required under California construction regulations for the use of those working on the site.
Greystar has put up a construction fence around Park Chateau as a sign that it now belongs to them. We continue for now to use the trash container in the Park Chateau enclosure, but we will be finding a new home for the dumpster in the coming weeks. Greystar plans to demolish Park Chateau very soon after the building’s ordination on June 15.
We are working on a liturgy of farewell for the office building and parking lot that have been a part of our corporate life for many decades. When the time comes to vacate the building, probably around the end of July, we will hold a celebration and leave-taking of the space, and the whole cathedral family will be invited to attend and share memories. Countless meaningful conversations and events have taken place in this space and we need to honor that experience.
Your sister in Christ