The Sunday Sermon: Too Holy for Who?

This week we will observe the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which marked the moment when LGBTQ people in this country launched a Herculean effort of breaking down homophobia across the land, an effort that continues today. PBS has been running a documentary called the Lavender Scare, about the appalling persecution of government employees … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Summer Socials

Dear St. Paul’s family, Many of you attended at least one of our lovely Summer Social gatherings last year. They were hugely successful and now it’s time for the next step. We are already seeing some construction around the cathedral campus, and it’s going to become more and more important to bring cathedral folks together … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Daily Office Logistics

Dear St. Paul’s family, One of the foundations of our Anglican tradition is the Daily Office, which means the short services of Scripture and prayer that all Episcopalians can do at different times of the day. For centuries, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer have been said daily in cathedrals, and St. Paul’s is no exception. … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: to release what is rotten

Is there no limit to the interesting situations Paul and Silas find themselves in? In today’s story, we have a fortune-telling slave girl possessed by a spirit who just won’t leave them alone. The passage says she had a “spirit of divination.” The Greek word in the original text for “divination” is POOTHian which sounds … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Misa Plan

Dear St. Paul’s family, Since early April, when we announced our plan to right-size the budget, plans have been underway to provide for the continuation of our Spanish-language ministry and our formation programs, after we lose Fr Carlos and David Tremaine. In this letter I want to update you on the Spanish-language plans. I am … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon:Keeping the words of Jesus

Alleluia Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia. Have you ever been stuck? Have you ever had a plan that looked really good, but every time you tried to put it into action you were stopped by roadblocks; nothing coming together, no clear vision emerging? That’s where St Paul was when our story … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: love beyond boundaries

The year 1976 was an important one in my childhood. It was the year my brother was born. It stands out to me not just because my brother was born, but because as a child I kind of thought the whole country was throwing a big party to get ready for the addition to our … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Security

Dear St. Paul’s family, In light of the recent tragedy in Poway, several people have contacted the Cathedral to ask about what we do to secure the campus and congregation. Our Director of Administration, Kathleen, recently briefed Chapter on our current and planned measures, and I want to share this information with you. Things we … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Good Shepherd and our mother Earth

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Every year on the fourth Sunday of the Easter season we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, giving thanks for our good God who loves us and cares for us as a shepherd does her flock. And each year we read a favorite psalm, the 23rd, one to … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Integrity

Dear St. Paul’s family, Last week many of you participated in the annual philanthropic exercise ‘Dine Out for Life”, supporting the important ministry of our local LGBT Center. Did you know that the Episcopal Church has its own dedicated ministry to LGBTQ+ persons? It’s called IntegrityUSA. IntegrityUSA and its local chapters have advocated for full … READ MORE…