The Sunday Sermon: Advent 3, 12.13.20

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev. Jeff MartinhaukAdvent 3B, December 13, 2020St. Paul’s Cathedral, San DiegoJohn 1:6-8;19-28 One of the interesting things about the fourth gospel is that John, the main character of the reading this morning, is not John the Baptist.  It is the same person that some of the other gospels refer to as John the Baptist, … READ MORE…

Cancelled: Prayers in the Park (Dec. 10)

Prayers in the Park is cancelled tonight (December 10, 2020) Due to the ever-changing landscape of COVID here in San Diego Bishop Susan strongly encourages all parishes to postpone in-person services. In an abundance of caution the Cathedral has made the difficult decision to heed this recommendation and cancel Prayers in the Park until which time … READ MORE…

Play Reading: A Christmas Carol (Dec. 19)

Saturday, December 19, 1 – 3 p.m.,The St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players will present a reading of the Orson Welles version of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” on Saturday, December 19, at 1p.m. Welles produced a one-hour radio play version of this beloved classic, and the Players will recreate the story of a miser who discovers … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Celebrating Kendall

The Very Rev. Penny Bridges interviews Kendall Squires, our former Chancellor, who held this position approximately 30 years, but has since retired to North Carolina.  Kendall also served as a founding manager of Nutmeg and Olive LLC, which handled the sale of our north parcel of land. Kendall speaks with Penny on his history at the Cathedral and … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: An Interview with St. Nicholas

December 6, 2020Penelope BridgesAn Interview with St. Nicholas Today, December 6, is the feast day of St. Nicholas, better known in this country as Santa Claus. Through the miracles of technology I have managed to secure an interview with the venerable saint, and we sat down together on Zoom to talk about his world, his … READ MORE…

Youth Crew Trivia Night… with Prizes! (Dec. 15)

Tuesday, December 15, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.,Youth ages 11-18 will have the opportunity to answer questions about a range of topics relating to Advent and Christmas – and win prizes, too! This event will be on Zoom during our regular Youth Crew meeting time. Email Maya for Zoom link. (

Dean Letter: Keeping in Touch

Hello St. Paul’s, Since the pandemic began I have written over 500 letters to members of our parish community. I don’t have a printer at home, so they have all been hand-written: my handwriting has actually improved! About half of the letters to date have been thank-you notes for 2021 pledges. The rest are divided … READ MORE…

Advent Schedule

Despite the pandemic St. Paul’s is still offering a plethora of Advent related services, most of which will be virtual. The entire list of Advent events can be viewed on our Advent page, located at the top of the navigation in the blue bar.