Play Reading: Twelfth Night (1.9.21)

Saturday, January 9, 1 p.m.,St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players presents “Twelfth Night,” William Shakespeare’s most popular romantic comedy. Full of lovers who desire people who don’t love them back, a Puritan steward and his trickster underlings, and a singing clown, it’s the perfect way to close the holiday season. The performance takes place Saturday, January … READ MORE…

Annual Parish Meeting (1.24.21)

Annual Parish Meeting January 24 (12 p.m.)This year’s Annual Parish Meeting will take place via Zoom. It is an important event in the life of our parish: please make every effort to attend. With the permission of the Bishop and Standing Committee we have made some temporary changes to the cathedral bylaws to permit a … READ MORE…

Epiphany Lessons and Carols (1.6.21)

Wednesday, January 6, 7 p.m.In the Christian church, our twelve-day celebration of Christmas is followed immediately by this more ancient feast. The early Church highlighted three manifestations (or “epiphanies”) of God in Jesus Christ at the Feast of the Epiphany: the recognition of the Christ Child by the Magi, the revealing of Jesus in the … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Thank You

Hello St. Paul’s, We are finally at the end of this year that has been so hard in so many ways. Like many of you, I am rather desperately hoping that 2021 will be a MUCH better year for us, our community, our nation, and the world. We have suffered some serious losses, but St. … READ MORE…

Tax Implication Reminder

Contributions must be made by 12/31/2020 to count as a 2020 tax deduction. We will continue to accept payments toward 2020 pledges into the next year but they will be counted as a 2021 tax deduction.

Dean Letter: A Different Christmas

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s Christmas Eve. What are you usually doing on Christmas Eve? Traveling, baking, welcoming house guests, keeping the kids from going nuts, rehearsing, maybe some last-minute shopping? How different is it this year? There’s lots of sadness and loss: some of us are missing loved ones, some of us are ill with … READ MORE…

Parent Small Group Meeting

Sunday, December 20, 6 – 7 p.m., Via ZoomOur parent small group meets monthly on Zoom to participate in a short worship service and offer mutual support during these difficult times. New? Email Maya, our Family Minister, for Zoom link or any questions you may have.

Last Friday Fellowship of the Year! (12.18.20)

Friday, December 18, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Via ZoomDon’t miss the last Friday Fellowship of 2020! We will resume on January 8, 2021. Never been? Grab your libation / snacks and join this casual, non structured time to visit, catch up and fellowship with friends from the comfort of your home.Click Here to be taken … READ MORE…

Diocese Las Posadas (Nightly Dec. 16-23)

Every Night, December 16 – 23, 7 p.m.,Our diocese is offering the Central American Christmas tradition of Las Posadas from December 16 to 23, with a different family hosting each night at 7 pm. Come commemorate the journey of Joseph and Mary via Zoom, Click Here to be taken direct to the Zoom meeting.

Dean Letter: Chancel Update

Hello St. Paul’s, It’s time for me to update you on the work of the chancel and nave renovation task force, which consists of a number of staff, liturgical leaders, and Chapter members. We’ve been working together since August to come up with a design that will make the cathedral space as accessible and flexible … READ MORE…