Play Readings (the next 3!)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players announces its next three monthly play readings. On Saturday, February 13, the Players will present “Little Women”, adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. On Saturday, March 20, the offering will be the contemporary Peter Morgan play, The Audience, which depicts Queen Elizabeth II’s weekly meetings with each of her … READ MORE…

Thank you for your Christmas Donations!

Thank you to all who contributed to the Christmas Appeal! Donations at Christmas came to over $44,000! These funds will help us to keep operating in the midst of this continuing time of online services and virtual fellowship. Your generosity during this time shows how much we care about each other as a community. Thank … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Interview with Cheryl Wilson

Hello St. Paul’s. One of St. Paul’s greatest success stories is the founding over 60 years ago of St. Paul’s Episcopal Home. For over half of its history, St. Paul’s Senior Services, as it’s now known, has been led by my friend and colleague Cheryl Wilson. Last week Cheryl and I sat down to talk … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Epiphany 1, 1.10.21

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev.Cn. Jeff MartinhaukEpiphany 1B, January 10, 2021St. Paul’s Cathedral, San DiegoGen 1:1-5; Mark 1:4-11 In the beginning, the earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the deep, says our text, and there were waters swirling about this dark, deep void. It has been a week with some moments where it has felt like … READ MORE…

Lent Reflections needed!

Believe it or not, it’s already time to start planning for the Lent season! This year David Spencer has volunteered to coordinate the creation of our 2021 Digital Lent Reflection Book (meaning it will be online only). We need your reflections! Good, bad or strange, there’ bound to be plenty to reflect on given the … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Chapter Election Mailing

Hello St. Paul’s, This week you may have received an important packet in the mail from St. Paul’s.  It was mailed to everyone who we believe is qualified to vote in the Chapter election. The packet contains a letter from me, a ballot sheet, summary profiles of our six Chapter candidates, and a return envelope. … READ MORE…

Meet the candidates this Sunday! (9am, 1.10.21)

Sunday, January 10, 9 a.m.The adult forum via Zoom this Sunday will be an opportunity to meet our six nominees for Chapter. We will elect four people to Chapter at the annual meeting at the end of the month. Next Sunday’s forum will be a presentation on the 2021 parish budget. Click Here to join … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Hard Truths of Scripture

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

January 3, 2021, the second Sunday after ChristmasPenelope BridgesThe Hard Truths of Scripture Alleluia, unto us a child is born. Come let us adore him, Alleluia. What do we know about the early life of Jesus? Matthew and Luke give us birth narratives with different details and emphases. Luke tells us about Jesus being circumcised … READ MORE…

Final Chapter Meeting (1.5.21)

Tuesday, January 5, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Via ZoomChapter will hold its final meeting of the year on January 5 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. All are invited to attend, click the link below to join via Zoom. Items to be discussed include the 2021 parish budget and reflections by retiring Chapter members on their … READ MORE…

Play Reading: Twelfth Night (1.9.21)

Saturday, January 9, 1 p.m.,St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players presents “Twelfth Night,” William Shakespeare’s most popular romantic comedy. Full of lovers who desire people who don’t love them back, a Puritan steward and his trickster underlings, and a singing clown, it’s the perfect way to close the holiday season. The performance takes place Saturday, January … READ MORE…