Dean Letter: Society of St. Paul

This is a transcript of a conversation between the Dean and the Rev. Canon Andrew Rank. Penny:             Hello, St. Paul’s. Did you know that the cathedral has a resident religious order? The Society of St. Paul has been associated with St. Paul’s Cathedral for a number of years, and our Chapel of the Holy Family … READ MORE…

Zydeco RSVP’s now available!

Zydeco returns virtually on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m.! Get ready for some new and excited additions to our annual event only made possible since we are doing this online! What to expect: Encore recorded performances of Theo and the Zydeco Patrol An interview with Theo by Dean Penny A shoulders and up costume party … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Vida Joven Update

Transcript of conversation between the Dean and Beth Beall, ED of Vida Joven. Passages in Spanish have been omitted. Penny:        Hello St. Paul’s. This week, it’s my pleasure to have a chat with Beth Beall who’s the executive director of Vida Joven. And because we haven’t talked about Vida Joven in some time at the … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Twisting Path of God’s Call

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Almost 30 years ago I started on the path of discernment that led me to ordained ministry. One of the early requirements in the process was to work with a parish committee, to reflect on my call and the experience of ministry. Our aspirants today do something very similar. One of the most impactful questions, … READ MORE…

Women Together (2.4.21)

Rev Dr Michele Watkins

“Womanist Ways of Being & Knowing: Understanding Survival As a Theological Virtue in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple.” Thursday, February 4, 6 p.m., Via ZoomOur speaker will be Rev. Dr. Michele Watkins. “Womanist” is a term first coined by Alice Walker in her exposition of the sacred inner lives of Southern Black Women, focusing on … READ MORE…

Sunday Sermon: It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 17, 2021Penelope BridgesIt’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn If you Google the phrase, “It’s always darkest just before the day dawns”, you’ll find that the phrase was first committed to print by a 17th century theologian called Thomas Fuller, in the context of his Holy Land travelogue. However, it was … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: A Pandemic Success Story

This is a transcript of the conversation between the Dean and Maya Little-Saña. Some sentences were not captured by the transcription software. Penny: Hello, St. Paul’s. This week I want to share with you about one of our ministries that has been quietly flourishing and growing throughout the pandemic. I’ve asked our wonderful children, youth … READ MORE…

Gentle Yoga on Zoom (1.21.21)

gentle yoga image

Gentle Yoga (60 minutes)Thursday, January 21 at 11 a.m, on ZoomYoga continues every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The class will incorporate simple flowing sequences, focusing on the breath, alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility.  $10 suggested donation, please use Venmo to pay @Anita-Martinez-19. Contact Anita Martinez for additional questions: Click Here to join … READ MORE…

Play Readings (the next 3!)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players announces its next three monthly play readings. On Saturday, February 13, the Players will present “Little Women”, adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott. On Saturday, March 20, the offering will be the contemporary Peter Morgan play, The Audience, which depicts Queen Elizabeth II’s weekly meetings with each of her … READ MORE…