The Sunday Sermon: Transfiguration

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev.Cn. Jeff MartinhaukTransfiguration B, February 14, 2021St. Paul’s Cathedral, San DiegoMark 9:2-9 We meet Peter today on the mountaintop after he and Jesus have been in the villages of Caesarea Philippi, and Peter has just scolded Jesus for openly teaching that he would have to be crucified.  Jesus rebuked Peter quickly, making clear that … READ MORE…

Friends without computer/internet?

Do you know someone who doesn’t have a computer or internet?  They can still worship with us—all they need is a phone.  Call when it is time for the service to start, and they can listen in.  They also have the option for us to call them when services start, so they don’t have to … READ MORE…

52 ways to care for creation #3

Simpler living encourages all those interested in creation care to check Creation Justice Ministries’ blog post “52 ways to care for creation”. We will share at least one of the ways with you each month. Number 3, You probably already know to wash in cold water and use full loads to save water and energy. … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Regathering Update

Hello St. Pauls, It’s almost a year since the pandemic became the dominant force in our lives and we were forced to close the doors of the Cathedral. In these twelve months we have discovered new depths of adaptability and resilience. We have created new ways to be a community and to support one another. … READ MORE…

Chocolate for Valentine’s Day!

Get your Equal Exchange Fair Trade chocolate for Valentine’s day before it’s too late (Valentine’s day is this Sunday)! Available chocolate ($3 each): Panama Extra Dark (80%) Very Dark (71%) Dark Orange Infused Milk chocolate (43%) Dark with Almond toasted pieces Dark with Whole Almonds and Sea Salt Dark Caramel Crunch with Sea Salt Milk … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: All Things To All People

February 7, 2021, the Fifth Sunday after the EpiphanyAll Things to All PeoplePenelope Bridges Last week I had the honor of meeting with some very bright 7th-graders from Francis Parker Middle School. Usually at this time of year a group from Parker comes to the cathedral and we tell them a little about the Episcopal … READ MORE…

52 ways to care for creation

Simpler living encourages all those interested in creation care to check Creation Justice Ministries’ blog post “52 ways to care for creation”. We will share at least one of the ways with you each month.#5: February is Black History Month and there are many ways to celebrate and get involved. Go to Creation Justice Ministries … READ MORE…

Latest info on COVID vaccines

In case you missed it, last week we posted a link to the UCSD Health Talks on COVID vaccines on our Facebook page. That video is still live and relevant for those wishing to know more. Click Here to learn more!

Lent Formation offerings

This Lent season we have plenty of educational opportunities! Decide which one suits you best and prepare to learn! Check out each one below: Adult Forum: From Ashes to Easter – Each Sunday on Zoom, Gertrud Mueller Nelson will walk with us down that path whose goal is to be an Easter People. Lenten Book … READ MORE…