The Power and Healing of Stories

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Storytelling is vital way to share information, especially as the words of the storyteller enlighten us about their experiences and how they impact them, and all of us. Stories can move us to action. At this year’s annual Winter Talk, organized by TEC Office of Indigenous Ministries, PB Michael Curry … READ MORE…

What Ever Happened at the UN Climate Conference? 

Monday, February 6, 7 pm, On Zoom From St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry Although we are still hearing feedback from the November 2022 UN Climate Summit, COP27, we think it’s time to hear the details from a participant! Join Lynne Marian, Communications Director for San Diego-based organization, Plant with Purpose, in her live Zoom … READ MORE…

Think Globally, Eat Locavore and more!

Sunday, February 5, 9 am, Guild Room or Watch Online From Simpler Living our Creation Care Ministry Watch for more details on the February 5 Faith Forum featuring cookbook author Katie Farina. Not only will she share her wisdom on the reasons our faith calls us to consider a plant-based diet but she will demonstrate – and share! … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Called into the Kingdom

January 22, 2023. Third Epiphany and Cathedral DayPenelope Bridges “Jesus went throughout Galilee,… proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people.” Every year at this time we hear this good news and the invitation from Jesus: “Repent, follow me.” We read of the dramatic response of … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Annual Meeting 2023

Hello St. Paul’s, This weekend we will hold an important event at the Cathedral. Our Annual Parish Meeting is a time for looking back and celebrating the year that has been, along with honoring those who have been leaders among us, selecting the next group of lay leaders, and building community with lunch. As I … READ MORE…

In Remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther king Jr.

While reading Dream March by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, my seven-year old grandson Kieran said he didn’t think it was fair that Dr. King was arrested and jailed for his belief that everyone should be treated equally.  Hopefully our youth will be so impacted by the brave words of so many, not only Dr. King, who speak out … READ MORE…

Letter from Richard: Backyard Wilderness

Hello St. Paul’s and friends, While I’ve been sick with COVID over the past week I’ve had more opportunities than usual to survey the canyon our rented home sits along. Ever since moving here, I’ve enjoyed the view of this place, and I often get to see hawks and all manner of birds, and occasionally … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Mission Impossible

January 8, 2023The Rev. Dr. Carol Worthing Today we celebrate The Baptism of Our Lord Sunday – and we will also celebrate our baptizand, Benjamin, in his baptism – so, in a sense, this message is for him – it’s really for all of us, though, and so I just want Benjamin to know – … READ MORE…

Sustaining Culture

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) Culture is the heartbeat of a community. How can neighbors maintain dignity, safety, and a sense of self worth when their lives are upended by exploitation and greed? Through awareness offered to us through these accounts we may be able to advocate for our neighborhoods to thrive … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Resolving to Serve

Hello St. Paul’s, Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions? If not, I invite you to think about serving others in some way: it’s well known that helping other people takes our minds off our own troubles, and service to others is an important part of our lives as followers of the … READ MORE…