Christmas Light & Love

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus in our Christian tradition, our faith calls us to spread the light of love to everyone.  In these days when we hear words that divide us, the story of the Holy family reminds us that we are neighbors, all … READ MORE…

Putting the “Public” in Power

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: As a means of equity for all San Deigns and a response to the need for a carbon-neutral future, Simpler Living will be tabling for Power San Diego, a petition campaign to put an initiative on the 2024 Ballot that can replace SDG&E with a non-profit power utility … READ MORE…

Sharing with Children at the Border

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA) invites us to donate a Christmas gift for migrant children at the border.  The EDSD Migration Ministry requests Hot Wheels cars, coloring books and crayons, and stuffed animals to be distributed on December 24 and 25.  New or very … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: End of Year Message 2023

Dear people of St. Paul’s,  Season’s greetings to you and yours! As you likely know, this year we have been observing a longer Advent, relishing this season of reflection and hope as we anticipate the celebration of Christ’s nativity. While we learn patience as we approach the light of Christmas, Advent itself is a season … READ MORE…

Letter From Paula: Alternative Gift Expo Returns!

The Alternative Gift Expo will take place Sunday, December 10, 9am – 2pm, in the Great Hall. What can I give Him, poor as I am?If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.(Christina Rossetti, … READ MORE…

While the Nations Equivocate… Act Locally!

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Two years ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized stronger vehicle emissions standards to protect families from vehicle pollution, save drivers money, and fight the climate crisis. House Resolution 4468 threatens to undo the progress made toward clean air and a healthy future. The bill would prohibit … READ MORE…

Honoring Indigenous Heritage and Culture Throughout the Year

St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living ministries: How will you honor our Indigenous neighbors beyond November and throughout the year? article (Click Here). One simple way to start is by sending a letter to President Biden in advance of the annual Tribal Nations summit at the White House. This is an … READ MORE…

Fossil Fuels Continue to Threaten the Climate

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:  It was probably going to happen eventually. Just as COP28, the UN Climate Conference, gets underway in Dubai this Friday, the BBC reported that the hosts have planned back room deals to promote the proliferation of fossil fuels! Read the article here. At a recent meeting of TEC … READ MORE…

Letter from Stacey: Adult Formation

It is hard to believe that it has been nearly three years since Jeff Martinhauk unnerved me with an invitation to be the Chair of the Adult Formation Committee and host of the Sunday Forums. I was relatively new to St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Episcopal Church, and I knew nothing about Formation. I had … READ MORE…