The Sunday Sermon: What do you see?

Last week I had the privilege of spending some time at St. Paul’s Senior Homes, down the street. As you may know, the Dean of the Cathedral is ex officio the president of this very impressive and successful corporation. I attended the annual board meeting on Monday and on Tuesday I attended a “clergy interest” … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: the cup of living water

Joining in on Christ’s Mission to the Outsider It’s great to be back with y’all after my paternity leave! Can’t wait to introduce our baby Jem to you sometime soon. I’m not getting loads of sleep right now but it is such a delight to have a baby in the house it more than makes … READ MORE…

Ash Wednesday Sermon: Removing the Mask

Late last year we learnt of the death of Sir  David Frost. A well respected, admired and talented journalist and interviewer. He was one of the few journalists who was well known on both sides of the Atlantic. You may also have known that Sir David was the master of satire – hosting ‘This was … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Encounter, Story, Curiosity: Going Public in Epiphany

The process had started innocently enough. Lily Myers, a 20-year old sophomore at Wesleyan College in Connecticut, wrote a quite personal poem about her family. Then that poem, entitled “Shrinking Women,” won the 2013 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational last April. The three-minute video of her winning performance was posted on YouTube. Over the summer, … READ MORE…

The Sunday sermon: Who is “the servant” of God?

Who do you think the author of Isaiah is referring to when he talks about “the servant” in today’s stunningly beautiful song? This is an honest question: I don’t have the correct answer any more than you do, and there are lots of smart and learned and faithful people who disagree about these so-called “servant … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Other Side of the Solstice

This sermon from Dec 22 is a little late in posting, but we think you’ll agree it’s a keeper. Yesterday, December 21, was the winter solstice. What does that mean to you, if anything? Although we commonly think of the solstice as a single day, shortest or longest, the word originally reflected changes in the … READ MORE…

Christmas Eve Sermon: Remembering the Familiar

Welcome. Welcome to St. Paul’s Cathedral. We are delighted you are here with us on this holy night. But you’ve been here before. Well, maybe not this place, or if you have been to the Cathedral, maybe it’s been a while. Or maybe you’ve sat on another church’s wooden pews (or folding chairs, as the … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Advent’s Disconcerting Hope

Happy New Year!  That doesn’t sound quite right, does it?  We’re still digesting our third round of leftover turkey sandwiches, maybe putting up Christmas lights.  It’s not New Year’s resolutions time yet. But the Church marches to a different beat.  Its year begins today with the First Sunday of Advent.  Situating ourselves in the Church … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Hands full with Blessings

Our Old Testament reading for today reminds us of the LORD’s promise to turn all the nations upside down . . . and shake all the silver and gold out of their pockets. I think that’s a welcome image for stewardship season, right? As we continue our discernment about what we can offer as gifts to the … READ MORE…