Sunday’s Sermon, March 23, 2025: The Good Gardener

Third Sunday in LentPenelope Bridges You’ve probably noticed that we start our service a little differently during Lent. For one thing, we do the confession up front – putting us in the right, repentant frame of mind for the solemnity of the Lenten worship. And we also hear Jesus’s words summarizing the law he lived … READ MORE…

Everyone’s Right to a Slice

Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) & The Episcopal Church Office of Gov. Relations: The right to vote is as American as apple pie. Yet throughout the country over the past several years, many efforts have been made to disenfranchise voters or set up roadblocks to voter registration. Unfortunately, most of those efforts have been successful.  … READ MORE…

The Giving Economy of Community

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: In our Lenten book study on Robin Wall Kimmerer’s The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World, we are not only learning from the author’s wisdom about the importance of the gift economy as a challenge to capitalism and a way repair some of the harm done by … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Shape of Our Liturgy

Hello St Paul’s, Anyone who attends an Episcopal Sunday service more than once or twice knows that we have a certain structure to our worship services. The Book of Common Prayer is a great treasure, not least because it provides this structure, so that clergy don’t have to invent the service from whole cloth each … READ MORE…

Take Action! Support the American Dream & Promise Act

Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) & The Episcopal Church Office of Gov. Relations: The bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act of 2025 was reintroduced into Congress. It provides a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, Temporary Protected Status individuals, and recipients of Deferred Enforced Departure, who have been longtime contributing members of their communities. “This … READ MORE…

Extractive Disregard For Sacred Sites

Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: What would we do if our sacred Cathedral were threatened with obliteration? On March 1, 2025 a panel of eleven judges from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal government can transfer the sacred site of Oak Flat in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona to Resolution … READ MORE…

A Letter from Kathleen: Episcopal Parish Network Conference

I am delighted to share my experience at the Episcopal Parish Network’s 2025 Conference, held in Kansas City, MO, from February 24th to 28th. This year’s conference was the 40th anniversary of the conference and was a gathering of minds and hearts, dedicated to the growth and development of our parishes and the greater Church. … READ MORE…

Ash Wednesday Sermon, March 5, 2025

Rev. Cn. Richard Hogue Jr. The truth must be spoken, even if it is as sorrowful as ashen cinders. Nations and people become dust, though that’s not all we leave behind. The prophet Joel is eerily on point in times like these, inviting us to imagine a world scourged by plagues of locusts and the … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, March 9, 2025: In the Wilderness

Penelope BridgesFirst Sunday in Lent We read about the temptations of Jesus every year at this time, hearing from each of the first three Gospels in turn. As we read Luke’s account of the three temptations and Jesus’ rebuttal of each, it’s such a familiar text that we skim over it; it seems like it’s … READ MORE…

Building Community

Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: These are the days when the company of others is more important than ever before.  Nature sets its own communities, and we can learn much from God’s good creation. Book studies provide an opportunity for community building. One of our Lenten Faith Formation offerings provides such a space for community … READ MORE…