St Paul’s Inside Out!

Did you get a chance to see the transformation of St Paul’s for Balboa Park’s December Nights event?  By day, we have a mild-mannered neo-Gothic Cathedral, but by night, the building became something really different as the lights cycled through different colors and effects.   Here are a few photos.  You can find more here.  … READ MORE…

Can we change in time?

Cathedral member Jonathan Widener writes,  My minister in Chicago just posted the words to this little-known hymn as they sang it in a march tonight in Chicago. She mentioned how she wept as her parishioners all held hands, walking for peace and justice. As my friends in Chicago and New York converge on streets and … READ MORE…

Oh come let us adore him

Dear people of St. Paul’s, “In this holy season, let it be our care and delight.” Whenever I hear or say these words, I know that we are welcoming the Christmas season in our uniquely Anglican way. The seasonal Service of Lessons and Carols is one of those traditions that connects us with our spiritual … READ MORE…

Alternative gift Expo: Thanks!

I hope most of you were able to participate in the hugely successful Alternative Gift EXPO on November 23rd!  I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the EXPO committee: to Paula Peeling for publicity and Emily Velez-Confer for graphics (posters and printing); to Doug Clark for organizing the cashiers (a big job due to … READ MORE…

Following the Little Drummer Boy

Christmas is coming. Does that thought stress you out?! Do you worry about not being able to give the most expensive and extraordinary gifts at Christmas? Do you feel you must keep up with everyone else? Relax…think about the gifts you already have to give. They are more precious than anything you find in the … READ MORE…