Instructions for Life

Several years ago I was asked to deliver the Baccalaureate address for my school. I was honored of course but what do you say to young people that they’ll actually hear and put to use? “Hang on tight” came to mind, and “check the label”, and of course “Broken hearts mend”. But something happened as … READ MORE…

Was it Fate, Timing, or a God Thing?

Have you ever question how or why certain situations appear at your front door (metaphorically speaking). Lately, this has been happening to me whether it’s my impeccable timing or just cause. Here are a few stories that I want to share. Initially the weekend of April 8th-9th I was supposed to be up in the … READ MORE…

Welcoming All

The Rev Jeff Martinhauk shares,  Tomorrow we will welcome four new members into the congregation! There have been many more new members in the congregation over the past several months, but in the changing world around us, lives are busy, and expectations from the church are changing. So is the way people relate to church … READ MORE…

News from Vida Joven/Dorcas House

Vida Joven de Mexico is a foster home/orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico that loves, protects and educates up to 35 children who have been abandoned, abused and neglected. With an enormous outpouring of support from the St. Paul’s community and beyond, the program has been delivering on this promise since 2006. For many years the fundraising … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Relaunching the Cathedral Peace and Justice Committee

The last few months have seen an increase in the level of activity and activism around issues of peace and justice, including immigrant rights, gender equality, LGBT and climate change issues, whether local, national, or internationally focused. To help the Cathedral community respond both thoughtfully and in a timely fashion to calls for action on … READ MORE…

A new Chapter Covenant

Dean Penny writes, At the annual Chapter retreat in February, Chapter agreed to create a Covenant for how we will relate, as church leaders, to one another and to the wider community. We will hold ourselves and one another accountable to these standards of behavior. We invite all ministry groups of St. Paul’s to adopt … READ MORE…