Day 3 at General Convention

Dean Penny writes, #GC79 day 3 started with a hearing of the Safeguarding committee, discussing resolutions including one updating definitions around sexual misconduct. What are the boundsries for clergy dating lay people? The discussion was almost over when a Spanish-speaking committee member spoke up through an interpreter, making me realize how infrequently our Spanish-speaking friends … READ MORE…

Day 2 at General Convention

Dean Penny writes, Short report from day 2 of #GC79: Safeguarding committe discussed whether the resolution condemning sexual harassment should be aimed at clergy and church employees only or at all church members too. Church members were added. A joint session of the Houses heard powerful testimony from a former skinhead white supremacist, an Austin … READ MORE…

Pardon our dust!

The leaky Cathedral Transept, South Porch, and North Porch are being repaired this summer.  We’ve begun work on the Transept roof this week.  The roofing team will be removing the tiles, repairing any damaged sections of wood and reworking the draining pipes and flashing to keep water away from key areas.  They will then move … READ MORE…

Report from general convention

Dean Penny writes, Day 1 of #GC79: 822 deputies from 107 dioceses in the House. All the deputies named Michael were dispatched to the House of Bishops to convey our greetings, along with baseball caps embroidered with “Michael”. In return, two bishops adorned with tiaras returned the greetings. We had a wonderful opening Eucharist service … READ MORE…

EFM: Education for Ministry

John Shelby Spong, the controversial, well traveled, and now retired, Episcopal Bishop from New Jersey, once claimed his early spiritual search was simply a means to seeking security for his anxious and insecure soul. He would discover he was only partially correct, as he later wrote in his autobiography, “…I discovered not security, but the … READ MORE…

At the March to Keep Families Together

Cathedral folk attended the March to Keep Families Together on June 23.  Here are some photos from the march. You can see more photographs of our Cathedral Contingent at Our church photographer Susan Forsburg also has an album here:

A Note from the Episcopal Public Policy Network of California: Families Belong Together

Last week many members of our congregation expressed their grief and anger at the reports of immigrant families being separated at the border and incarcerated. Our feelings were exacerbated by attempts on the part of senior government officials to justify the policy as being “Biblical”. As we continue to pray for all immigrants and particularly … READ MORE…

A Letter From The Dean: Dean and Chapter, A Partnership in Ministry

Dear St. Paul’s family, The Chapter is the name given to the cathedral’s board of directors, the equivalent of a parish vestry. It consists of the Dean, 12 people elected by the congregation, two elected by diocesan convention, and one appointed by the Bishop. Our bylaws and diocesan canons say very little about the responsibilities … READ MORE…

Spiritual Dimensions of Suicide Prevention

This blog was originally posted on 11/8/16.  Please also see this published version of Dr Parry’s letter the American Journal of Psychiatry.  As emphasized in the leading editorial and attendant articles on suicide,(1)  and by the former NIMH Director, Thomas Insel, M.D., in contrast to the medical advancements in reducing infectious diseases, significant progress in … READ MORE…

In the Nave

Mark Twain, having sat through a performance of a Wagner opera, quipped, “Wagner’s music is not as bad as it sounds.” Sitting in the nave today with its abbreviated seating options, I felt much the same way. The photos made the space look as if we’d been robbed, leaving us bereft of our pews in … READ MORE…