Pardon our dust!

The leaky Cathedral Transept, South Porch, and North Porch are being repaired this summer.  We’ve begun work on the Transept roof this week.  The roofing team will be removing the tiles, repairing any damaged sections of wood and reworking the draining pipes and flashing to keep water away from key areas.  They will then move on to the South Porch to replace the roofing there, and finish with fixing select areas of the North Porch.  This should resolve the issues we have when it rains and keep the infrastructure sound for years to come.  The repairs should be done in two to three weeks.

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1 thought on “Pardon our dust!”

  1. I wish, while they are up there, that they would install a couple of small ventilation turbines to help alleviate the heat in the nave during the summer.


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