Blogger, Facebook and Twitter: a field guide to social networking

In Sunday’s forum, the team behind what we might call “The Digital Cathedral” introduced St Paul’s on-line outreach. There were some questions about blogs, twitter, and facebook, so here’s an introduction to these different ways of connecting on-line. Blogging: What is it? Blogs are specialized websites that allow frequent posts of writing, including video or … READ MORE…

Jerusalem the Golden, and the Sisters in Haiti

What has our beloved hymn “Jerusalem the Golden”, #624, got to do with the earthquake in Haiti? The words were translated from a 12th century text by Bernard of Cluny by an invalid Church of England priest, John Mason Neale, in the mid 1800s whose other passion was caring for the poor elderly and children. … READ MORE…

Presiding Bishop video on Haiti crisis

Episcopal Relief and Development is already on the ground in Haiti. Donate to their efforts at . More info on church eforts from from Episcopal LIfe Online. The Episcopal Cafe asks, where is God in the Earthquake? Lauren Stanley, Episcopal Missionary to Haiti, was in the US at the time of the earthquake. Her … READ MORE…

More news from Haiti, and what you can do

Bart Smoot forwards this from Maison de Naissance Dear Friends: We continue to hear devastating news from Haiti. You have reached out to us by sharing your concern, asking how to help, and seeking updates on MN and our cherished family and friends. Thank you for keeping MN and Haiti in the forefront of your … READ MORE…

A prayer for Haiti

Dear Friends, I share with you the sense of loss and sadness at the devastation in Haiti. As the pictures and stories from that region continue to come in, the need for all people of faith to come together to offer aid, assistance, and prayers becomes increasingly clear. Many of us in the St. Paul’s … READ MORE…

A Time to Pay Forward

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,As night falls upon Port au Prince on the second night of suffering, we continue to pray for those most affected. Across the nation and around the world, caring people are moving to help in a host of different ways. The people of the Diocese of San Diego remember well … READ MORE…

Maison de Naissance Update

This was forwarded by Dr. Bart Smoot from Maison de Naissance, the birthing center in Haiti supported by members St. Paul’s… Dear Friends of Maison de Naissance, Late this afternoon, a 7.0 + earthquake struck Haiti approximately 10 miles west of the capital city Port au Prince. We write to reassure you that we have … READ MORE…