Palm Sunday: Holy Week begins

A beautiful spring day in the Queen’s courtyard got everyone started for Palm Sunday! The Super Sonic Samba School made a joyful noise as The Rev Allisyn Thomas sprinkled the crowd with Holy Water: Then we marched into Jerusalem: Now we begin the darker part of the journey. See the Cathedral website for the schedule … READ MORE…

More Lenten Reflection from Ronn

And the Lord said: I will give you a new heart, and place a new spiritwithin you. taking from your bodies your stony hearts, and giving you hearts ofLOVE. I will put my spirit within you, and make you live by my ways, carefulto observe my decrees. [Ezekiel 36:26-27] This holy season let us think … READ MORE…

Haiti update

There are 3 “R’s” of disaster, according to Robert Radke, President of Episcopal Relief & Development, speaking to the disaster of the earthquake in Haiti: First is the “Rescue” phase – usually the first week or so following a disaster. Second is the Relief” phase, where the focus is on creating temporary safe and sanitary … READ MORE…

Report from the Just Love Conference

Bill Cassidy sends us this report about theJust Love conference that exposed and challenged the so called “ex-gay” movement, which was held at the Cathedral on March 6th. The Just Love Conference held at St. Paul’s was both inspiring and informative. Here is a summary of highlights: The morning session In the morning we heard … READ MORE…

Can you help this lonely heart?

To anyone looking for a possible companion: Last week after school I was just leaving the parking lot and saw a dog. I pulled over, jumped out of the car and followed her. I stopped at KFC and begged at the takeout window for some free chicken, and ran off with a couple of nuggets. … READ MORE…

How Integrity has Blessed Albert Ogle

Did you know our own Rev. Canon Albert Ogle is Integrity’s Vice President for National Affairs? In this video, he tells a tale of healing in his journey from Ireland, where he was dismissed from his parish for being gay, to Los Angeles, where he led a ministry in outreach to gay and lesbian runaways. … READ MORE…

The facts about Lent

In preparation for a class with the middles schoolers, I wanted to get all of the facts on Lent so we could talk about them in class that coming Sunday.  In doing so, I found that even as a lifelong Episcopalian, there were still some things I could learn about the facts on Lent.  I … READ MORE…

Through the looking glass

Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” scored as a box office hit of Tsunami proportions on its opening weekend. As Barnabas and I dropped our 3-D glasses into the recycle bin on our way out of the theater I was taken back to another time and place. The year was 1964 and the place was a … READ MORE…