Reflections of The Rev. Canon Gerry Walcutt

Greetings from the leadership and members of Gerry’s professional association, The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, gathered for their annual meeting in Kansas City. Several of us just came from there. Gerry is being remembered by the Association today in their memorial service. Gerry focused most of his professional life as pastor and priest in … READ MORE…

May 11 Chapter meeting highlights

Chapter opened with prayer and approved the April minutes. We welcomed our new member, Erin Sacco Pineda. Sam Ward presented the Endowment Committee’s Semi-Annual Report: The Chapter approved the Endowment Committee’s newly revised investment policy. It was noted that the Cathedral’s investment strategy is oriented toward moderate-conservative growth. The two Cathy Hopper Grants have been … READ MORE…


Powerful words! Webster’s tells us” Education” is an action or process of educating or of being educated. Ministry, according to Webster’s second description is “Instrumentality” a quality or state of being instrumental. Hello my name is Cecil Keener I am the Education for Ministry Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. I am also … READ MORE…


When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of … READ MORE…

On the subject of Talent…

A few years ago I was teaching novel-writing at The Writer’s Room, a space above a consignment shop on Park Boulevard. One day I was stopped on the street outside by a young man I’ll call Daniel. He wanted me to read his novel – his seven-hundred page novel. He was sure it was ready … READ MORE…

The Chapter and Vestry

Recently St. Paul’s People’s Warden, Carol Walsh, gave a report on the work of our Chapter, the governing body of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ever wondered why our Cathedral board of directors is called a “Chapter” and not a “Vestry”, which is the name given such groups in most Episcopal parishes? In medieval Europe and England … READ MORE…

Bishop Christopher and the plight of Uganda

Dear Friends: Rev. Richard Bolles, the author of the international bestseller “What Color is Your Parachute?” once said two unforgettable statements to me: “You are living your vocation when everything you have ever done comes into play at this particular moment or on this particular task.” “There are few heroes in the church. When you … READ MORE…

To Kill a Mockingbird: Stage Fever

The Maycomb, Alabama dust settled quickly after the actors and audience left St Paul’s Cathedral chancel last night, closing the third and final performance of To Kill a Mockingbird, a production described as ‘chamber theater’ in which some of the actors read from scripts rather than memorizing the lines of the play which had been … READ MORE…