The Chapter and Vestry

Recently St. Paul’s People’s Warden, Carol Walsh, gave a report on the work of our Chapter, the governing body of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ever wondered why our Cathedral board of directors is called a “Chapter” and not a “Vestry”, which is the name given such groups in most Episcopal parishes? In medieval Europe and England … READ MORE…

Bishop Christopher and the plight of Uganda

Dear Friends: Rev. Richard Bolles, the author of the international bestseller “What Color is Your Parachute?” once said two unforgettable statements to me: “You are living your vocation when everything you have ever done comes into play at this particular moment or on this particular task.” “There are few heroes in the church. When you … READ MORE…

To Kill a Mockingbird: Stage Fever

The Maycomb, Alabama dust settled quickly after the actors and audience left St Paul’s Cathedral chancel last night, closing the third and final performance of To Kill a Mockingbird, a production described as ‘chamber theater’ in which some of the actors read from scripts rather than memorizing the lines of the play which had been … READ MORE…

50th Anniversary–St Paul’s Senior Homes

We know it has been through grace, vision and generous community support that St. Paul’s Senior Homes & Services was created and has thrived for 50 years. For the last five decades we have provided safety, comfort, care and love for the seniors in our communities. We also understand that none of this would have … READ MORE…

To Kill a Mockingbird: putting it together

Last week, nearly 300 people crowded into the chancel area of the cathedral (where the priests usually sit during worship) to view a production of Christopher Sergel’s dramatic adaptation of Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Many commented that they enjoyed the show and wondered how we managed to produce it. So, I thought … READ MORE…

Forum Sunday May 9th: Voices of Witness

The May 9th forum (9am, Guild Room) will present Voices of Witness Africa. In this short film, LGBT Africans tell about discovering their sexuality and about the terrors of coming out to families who are apt to disown them or worse. They talk about their dreams, and their relationship with God. Their straight allies tell … READ MORE…

Chapter Highlights, April Meeting

What is “Chapter” you ask? The Chapter is the governing body of St. Paul’s Cathedral and is responsible for the governance and care of the Cathedral’s building and grounds and finances. Meetings are held monthly and are generally open to all Cathedral members except for occasions when the Chapter must meet in executive session. The … READ MORE…