Breaking through: The Physical Matters

Before my second adventure with cancer last year, I fancied myself a fairly balanced person. “Moderation in everything” was one of my mantras, and I figured I had this particular discipline down pat. My worldview sprang from personal experience and my relationship with God, but I could also appreciate a beautiful view and a glass … READ MORE…

Healing in the Presence

It’s warm and beautifully sunny today and I get to take a walk this afternoon. Not so many weeks ago, I was in a Santa Fe, NM hospital – frightened, anxious, massively sick and in pain; in that place I couldn’t imagine that I would ever feel good again. Looking back, I see myself – … READ MORE…

Happy Birthday, Blog!

In internet slang, a Blog’s Birthday is a Blogiversary. Our first “official” post was 11/2/2009. Since then, we’ve had more than 165 posts, nearly 50 authors, and more than 7100 visits to our blog. Although most come from San Diego, some visit from parts far afield, as you can see on the map below. Well … READ MORE…

Midway: Postcard from Italy

Robert Heylmun is traveling, and sends us this expanded postcard Maybe I should have said ‘half way’. This note has nothing to do with the aircraft carrier now serving as a naval museum in San Diego harbor, but it does have to do with having spent fifteen or so of my thirty allotted days here … READ MORE…

Women @ St Paul’s: WT@SPC

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 46 – 7:30 p.m, Guild Room, St. Paul’s Cathedral For a simple supper, themed program and thoughtful discussion led by Gertrud Mueller NelsonA Fairy-tale and the Roadmap to Happiness “Folk stories and fairy tales were never really meant for children. The fairy tale is the grand, projected image of our unconscious…It explains to … READ MORE…

Cathedral Characters: Love of an Incarnate God

You may have heard Christie Fleming talk about stewardship yesterday. Meet her in the latest Cathedral Character profile. Christie Fleming reminds me of a cool, older cousin; she’s someone you want to hang out with. She’s full of life, energy, ideas, kindness, intelligence and a beauty that emanates from within. Deeply spiritual, this spiritual director … READ MORE…

Do you need a Listening Heart?

Are you facing a difficult decision, or feel you are at a crossroad in life? Perhaps the Listening Hearts Ministry may be of help to you. Welcome to the Listening Hearts Ministry – “a community of prayerful people trained to be present with others at such spiritual crossroads in our lives. Anyone may ask to … READ MORE…

Push for More, Not Less

Our Bishop wrote this on his blog, Under the San Diego Sun, on October 4th. Cross posted with permission. I just read that Governor Schwarzenegger and the state legislature have agreed to a deal that will close the 19 billion dollar budget gap. Details have not yet been revealed. 19 billion! That is a stunning … READ MORE…