…and laid him in a manger.

Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came … READ MORE…

An unusual festival of carols, online

A very English Festival of readings and carols is provided by the eccentric English priest, Jonathan Hagger (aka “Madpriest”) at the online site, St Laika’s. This is a wonderful service that includes a variety of unusual English carols, as well as Fr Hagger’s sonorous tones for the readings. You can download a podcast, or stream … READ MORE…

A Fearsome Blessing: The Words of Creation

“May I now present to you Hannah and Kathy Wilder!” Kathy and I were married five weeks ago at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Our ceremony began in the late afternoon, timed so the evening light would shine softly through the stained glass windows. It was a busy day, full of appointments and preparations. Luckily, I found … READ MORE…

The Advent Conspiracy

Every year, it seems the commercialism of Christmas becomes more extreme: decorations up before Halloween, incessant carols on the radio (if I hear the Chipmunks singing one more time I think I shall go mad!) and of course, rampant consumerism. The Advent Conspiracy is a movement to try to reduce the consumption, and increase the … READ MORE…

Seeking and Serving

There is an online Advent exhibition of The Episcopal Church and the Visual Arts called Seeking and Serving. “Consider the art in this exhibit as a meditative way to challenge yourself during Advent to not only worship Christ within the walls of the church, or the walls of your heart, but also to seek him … READ MORE…