Chapter Highlights from November 2010 meeting

Carol Walsh is the People’s Warden, and keeps us filled on the chapter, which is part of the Cathedral’s system of governance.

As is usual during November, Chris Harris gave a report about the Stewardship Campaign – in short, we are off to a good start, but still have a ways to go to meet out budget and program goals for next year. Although we are keeping expenses essentially frozen, St. Paul’s is facing increases in uncontrollable expenses including medical insurance and property insurance. Sound familiar? Even though we still are not where we want to be regarding staff compensation, we are planning no new hires or pay increases for 2011.

We need a great pledge year in order to sustain our program! Our Executive Staff are all sacrificially giving. If you are holding back a bit on the amount that you can give, now is the time to kick it up a notch. On the Sunday of our ingathering I watched a friend of mine, who has lost his job due to the economic downturn, turn in his pledge. I will never forget that holy moment.

Click here to make your pledge today!

Sam Ward gave an Endowment Committee report. The Endowment is performing reasonably well.

Building and Grounds issues were discussed. The money that we spend on maintenance and improvement projects comes from a special fund, given for that purpose.

Carol L. Walsh

People’s Warden

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