Connecting at the Misa

During my recent recovery from a minor illness, I decided the Sunday 1:00 p.m. Misa in Español at St. Paul’s might be less strenuous than the 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. services—and I headed north a few blocks. And almost a week later, I still savor the sweet cadence of the mass presided by The … READ MORE…

Join us this Saturday for Pride 2011

This Saturday, July 16th, is San Diego’s Gay Pride parade! Traditionally, St Paul’s fields one of the biggest contingents marching in the parade, an impressive Purple Wave. We have a great message of support and love for the LGBT community, and we are always very popular with the crowds lining the route! Whether you are … READ MORE…

Support the Uptown Faith Community: Medieval Nights

Charles Hudgins writes, The Uptown Faith Community Service Center – or UPTOWN – is the Cathedral’s primary outreach to the homeless in San Diego. The mission of UFCSC is to help the poor, needy, transitional members of our community. UPTOWN provides services to more than 2,000 very-low income and homeless persons per month. “Medieval Nights” … READ MORE…

Organ Update

Thank you! The Campaign Committee wishes to express its profound gratitude to all who have a made a pledge to the campaign thus far. We received a flurry of new pledges last week in response to the Dean’s request to turn pledges in by the end of June. In addition to the well over 200 … READ MORE…

An open letter to the Powers-that-Be

With presidential politics starting to heat up, Ronn Garton chimes in with his list of to-do’s for this or the next president. How about your list? Add your ideas to the comments. Of course, all opinions and points of view are welcome, whether you agree or disagree, though please be sure to keep your comments … READ MORE…

WT @ SPC: Our Spiritual Journey

On June 4th, there were 46 Women enjoying the evening Together at St. Paul’s Cathedral. And by amazing coincidence it was a meeting of WT@SPC. What a perfect name for this newly formed ministry at St. Paul’s! On this particular evening the women enjoyed another wonderful meal and a presentation by Reverend Canon Suzy Holding … READ MORE…

The language of Heaven

As a part of our organ campaign, I am glad to be here to speak for a couple of minutes about the power of this organ and music in general. Music has surrounded me my whole life but it wasn’t until the terminal cancer of my step father that I realized its power and importance. … READ MORE…

Report from the UN AIDS meeting

This is an extract from a longer article by the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle on the recent UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDSs. Albert writes, “Whenever AIDS is part of the equation, the United Nations is working to be part of the solution,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his remarks to the meeting. … READ MORE…