Happy belated Blogiversary!

The Cathedral Blog celebrated its second year anniversary last month.  Here are some blog facts for you: We’ve had: over 22,000 visitors over 300 posts over  70 contributors We average around 15 visitors per day. Our biggest day is Friday (when the e-bulletin comes out), when we may get 50, even 75 visitors. Not many … READ MORE…

An unfortunate incident

Dear Friends in Christ, This past Sunday we had a small reminder of why the work we are doing together is so important. During our stewardship campaign you heard me mention the fact that we are still in a tough economy and not everyone is in the same place. That is a gentle way of … READ MORE…

Suitable Persons

“To find suitable persons for the Episcopal ministry and aid them in acquiring a thorough education” – SIM’s founding purpose on October 2, 1857 and our ministry ever since. Our personal visits with our seminarian grant recipients, whether from our home office or by one of our alumni, constantly provide us with a renewed sense … READ MORE…

Thanksgiving Prayer

“Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: we humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favour and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honourable industry,sound learning, and pure manners. “Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance. … READ MORE…

Making time for Rituals

With Thanksgiving, Advent and then Christmas rapidly approaching, this is the time for rituals like no other time in our calander year. As an adult you are often the one responsible for doing all of the leg work to keep a ritual alive in your family. And while it can be hard to juggle, given … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness: A Healing Welcome

I always wanted to be an altar boy… Growing up in a Catholic church in Utah in the late 60s, that wasn’t going to happen. That’s not to say I didn’t grow up in a spiritual and involved household—I mean, I thought everyone had priests to dinner regularly. My mother was heavily involved in the … READ MORE…

Stewardship Witness: The Miracle

What am I thankful for at St. Paul’s and why do I choose to be generous? I answer that question differently now than I did when I first started coming to the Cathedral, thanks to an experience that changed our lives. After attending St. Paul’s for several months, I could answer the question about what … READ MORE…

The fierce love of a parent

Hello Parents The story of the release of [Israeli soldier] Gilad Shalit to his family left me thinking of how much it is a part of being human to want your children safe, happy and nearby. Every parent in the whole world could relate to that feeling, that need, of this young man’s parents to … READ MORE…