Welcome to our new Cathedral Canons!

Dean Scott Richardson tells us about the newest honorary canons of the Cathedral, who were presented with their purple Cathedral cassocks at Sunday’s 10.30 Eucharist. It is an honor every year to make new canons on Cathedral Day, the Sunday nearest the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. We have two to share with … READ MORE…

Celtic Spirituality: videos from John Philip Newell

John Philip Newell blessed many at Saint Paul’s with a weekend visit a few years ago. He is one of the preeminent teachers of Celtic spirituality and a dear friend – I commend the videos presented below with enthusiasm and gratitude. For those who might be inspired to go further into John Philip’s teaching, peruse … READ MORE…

Strategies for Handling Stress

Why is it that the vacation calm can go away so fast when you get home and back into the demands of life? I always tell myself on vacation to just stay calm and relaxed like I am on vacation – but within hours of being home and back in the demands of day to … READ MORE…

Closing the Circle

Pat at the Tatoo Sometimes in life something happens to us in such a miraculous way that it simply has to be shared. And thus it is that I’m writing this article to share with my St. Paul’s Family. I recently took a trip to Scotland. I was able to check something off my “Bucket … READ MORE…

Meet the Candidates!

On Sunday after the 10.30 Eucharist, there will be the annual Cathedral meeting (lunch provided, in the Great Hall).  This is where we we elect the new candidates for the Chapter, which functions as the Cathedral’s Vestry, or Board. The responsibilities of the Chapter of St. Paul’s Cathedral include manage­ment of the financial affairs of the … READ MORE…