The costs of bullying

From the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle: Gary Takesian, director of the acclaimed anti-bullying documentary “Teach Your Children Well,” told an audience Monday night at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Hillcrest that anti-gay bullying is the worst form of bullying.  He explained that anti-gay bullying is quite different, saying that kids who are bullied for their ethnic … READ MORE…

The Politics of Jesus

Anita Wucinic-Turner writes, This question of how Christians are to relate to world power and government are an extension of my previous 2 blog submissions re: people of faith.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer certainly wrestled with these crucial issues, as does every generation. Most of us have been misled into believing that as responsible citizens, and Christians, whatever government, or world “powers” asks of us, is … READ MORE…

A transition at St Paul’s

Dear Friends in Christ, I am writing to you today because I have accepted a call to serve as the next rector of the Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin in San Francisco. Our final Sunday at Saint Paul’s will be on June 24th and our last active day at the Cathedral will be … READ MORE…

The Original Mother’s Day Proclamation

Anita Wucinic-Turner points out that Julia Ward Howe’s Proclamation inaugurating Mother’s Day was originally intended as a statement against war: Over and over again, particular women have declared the cause of peace in the public square, Julia Ward Howe [among them].  In 1870, in the wake of the Civil War, she wrote the proclamation which would … READ MORE…

“Teach Your Children Well” Anti-Bullying Film screened at SPC

On May 14 at 7.30pm: St. Paul’s Cathedral honors International Day Against Homophobia with a FREE showing of “Teach Your Children Well” followed by a panel discussion with the film makers and local anti-bullying activists. St. Paul’s Cathedral in partnership with GLSEN, St. Paul’s Foundation, Integrity Circle and other San Diego faith communities and school … READ MORE…

New People of Faith (part 2 of 2)

 Praise God that He can use me/us even when we miss the mark (as unfortunately Bonhoeffer did at the end of his life) and God can use us for His purposes, in spite of ourselves! Therefore, I would like to continue quoting from Dietrich Bonhoeffer. When God/Christ calls you – He calls you to come and … READ MORE…

A Rose By Any Other Name

             “Camille Saint-Saens was wracked with pains             When people referred to him as Saint SANES.             He held the human race to blame             Because it could not pronounce his name.” That’s Ogden Nash. He wrote some verses to accompany Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Sains, and starts his … READ MORE…

Chapter Notes, April

Chapter is the Cathedral’s “board of directors,” or governance body, and meets on a monthly basis. At our January meeting, I was elected people’s warden for this year, and as part of my work in that role, I plan to keep the St. Paul’s community informed about what’s going on at chapter meetings. Here is … READ MORE…

New People of Faith (part 1 of 2)

There are a few things that most Christians will agree on: 1)  Jesus said we are to love God, with our whole heart and to love our self, and to love others, and to love our enemies. 2 Jesus said: Do onto others as you want them to do onto you 3) Jesus admonishes us: Whatsoever you … READ MORE…