What is an Episcopalian? Ben’s story

Interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or the foundations of the Christian faith? Join The Revs Laurel and Colin Mathewson on a 12-week exploration of Anglican Christian tradition on Wednesday nights starting January 15 at 6-8 pm in the Guild Room.  The course is free, a light supper will be served ($5 donation), … READ MORE…

What is an Episcopalian? Anglican Spirituality

Interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or the foundations of the Christian faith? Join The Revs Laurel and Colin Mathewson on a 12-week exploration of Anglican Christian tradition on Wednesday nights starting January 15 at 6-8 pm in the Guild Room. The course is free, a light supper will be served ($5 donation), … READ MORE…

Meet your Chapter Candidates!

Join us at the Annual Meeting on January 19th as we elect  four candidates to our Cathedral Chapter  (our board or directors).  For more information about our Chapter and Cathedral governance go to  http://stpaulcathedral.org/chapter.  Elizabeth Hardy Carey As a “cradle” Episcopalian and former clergy spouse, I can fully appreciate the calling of serving on Chapter … READ MORE…

What is an Episcopalian? The Bishop’s role

Interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or the foundations of the Christian faith? Join The Revs Laurel and Colin Mathewson on a 12-week exploration of Anglican Christian tradition on Wednesday nights starting January 15 at 6-8 pm in the Guild Room. The course is free, a light supper will be served ($5 donation), … READ MORE…

What is an Episcopalian? Lisa’s story

Interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or the foundations of the Christian faith? Join The Revs Laurel and Colin Mathewson on a 12-week exploration of Anglican Christian tradition on Wednesday nights starting January 15 at 6-8 pm in the Guild Room. The course is free, a light supper will be served ($5 donation), … READ MORE…

Feast of the Epiphany

When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having be en warned in a dream … READ MORE…

What is an Episcopalian? Harold’s Story

Interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church or the foundations of the Christian faith? Join The Revs Laurel and Colin Mathewson on a 12-week exploration of Anglican Christian tradition on Wednesday nights starting January 15 at 6-8 pm in the Guild Room. The course is free, a light supper will be served ($5 donation), … READ MORE…