Bare Ruined Choirs

Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. (from Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare.) The recent membership campaign on PBS clearly targeted the 70-something demographic as it aired multiple concerts consisting of folk singers, quartets, and bands from the 1950s and 1960s. Moving from actual films of those musical people half a century ago, … READ MORE…

Ashes to Go: God’s blessing

When I received the email from Chris Harris regarding Ashes to Go I was very hesitant to respond one way or the other. I thought it was a clever idea, but wasn’t quite sure if I agreed with such an unconventional method of giving ashes and I certainly was not sure if I could be … READ MORE…

Parking this Sunday (half-marathon)

There is a half marathon race this Sunday that will affect the Cathedral.  HOWEVER, in contrast to most races, the runners are starting and finishing downtown, and so they will be parking near Petco Park. Therefore, the impact on parking near us should not be nearly as significant as the races that start or end … READ MORE…

Lenten Thoughts

I was not raised in a church tradition that observed Lent. Our small congregation of a fundamentalist sect of the Christian faith in a small town had banned all reference to what its founders considered ‘papist’, including any mention of saints, crucifixes, and church seasons except for Christmas and Easter. The reasoning behind such proscriptions … READ MORE…

A History of Shrove Tuesday and Zydeco Music

In the Christian tradition, the day before Ash Wednesday—which marks the beginning of Lent—is called Shrove Tuesday. The word “shrove” is derived from the verb “to shrive” which means to pronounce absolution after the confession of one’s sins. Other names that are popular to describe the day before Ash Wednesday are “Carnival” (meaning “farewell to … READ MORE…

Welcome to our new Dean!

This weekend, we enthusiastically welcomed our new Dean, the Very Rev. Penny Bridges, to St Paul’s.  Penny was at the family Eucharist on Saturday.  On Sunday she both preached and presided at the 8am and 10.30 services, and attended Evensong as well. An enthusiastic user of social media, Penny challenged us to share on Facebook, … READ MORE…

A Lily in the Pulpit Returns Home to Phoenix

St. Paul Cathedral interim Dean, the Very Reverend Rebecca McClain appeared ‘fragile as a lily in the pulpit’ (as one woman in the audience was heard to murmur) at the 10:30 a.m. Cathedral Day service on January 26 at St. Paul’s, her final sermon. Interim Dean McClain’s amazing field of energy has continued to inspire, … READ MORE…

Why do outreach and mission matter?

In a recent book titled Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice, Fr. Daniel Groody tells a modern day parable. In this story, people rescued from drowning on a hazardous coast form an organization to save others shipwrecked there. The group of rescuers and their families become good friends and enjoy socializing with each other. Over time, the … READ MORE…

Our Busy Week

My, but we had a busy week this past week! There was Diocesan Convention, and a joyful Eucharist with the Presiding Bishop Todd Hurrell was installed as the newest member of the Verger Corps We said a  good bye to our dear Dean 3.5, the Very Rev Rebecca McClain, with thanks and love And prepared … READ MORE…