Chapter report from the People’s Warden

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the … READ MORE…

Ministry Spotlight: Greeters

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT is an addition to our Announcements, Blog, and Facebook page. Please feel free to contact me about a ministry you are involved in. Remember ministries are not only through the Cathedral. You may be sharing your spiritual gifts with ministries outside the Cathedral, (such as Hands Up Food Pantry or Uptown Faith). To … READ MORE…

St Paul’s at the Beach

THe Coronado Beach, that is…. instead of the monthly family Eucharist in the park this weekend, folks went to Coronado beach for a prayer service and a potluck, sharing thoughts about future worship.  Thanks to Susan Shaw Hulbert for the photos!

Choir Camp photos!

This year’s Choir Camp weeks in August had a total of 34 choristers participating. Each group (boys and girls) had their own week of fun and music! Along with learning fundamentals of music notation and voice training we visited the Ruben H Fleet Science Center, the Natural History Museum, the Air and Space Museum, and … READ MORE…


(This post is part of a series of blogs by Canon Chris Harris as he shares some of his experiences during his field study this summer with Episcopal Community Services. Read the whole series here. ) One of the interesting things working at the different Episcopal Community Services programs has been meeting the many (homeless) Episcopalians who live … READ MORE…

Unspoken assumptions

(This post is part of a series of blogs by Canon Chris Harris as he shares some of his experiences during his field study this summer with Episcopal Community Services. Read the whole series here. ) I met a gentlemen at ECS the other day and as I normally do, I said something like, “so what are you … READ MORE…

Remembering Jesus

(This post is part of a series of blogs by Canon Chris Harris as he shares some of his experiences during his field study this summer with Episcopal Community Services. Read the whole series here. ) Each Sunday we practice Eucharist in a very stylized, symbolic way. But what are we really doing there? We are celebrating the … READ MORE…

The Power of Ritual

(This post is part of a series of blogs by Canon Chris Harris as he shares some of his experiences during his field study this summer with Episcopal Community Services. Read the whole series here. ) This morning I was at East County Accord which is a program of Episcopal Community Services which works with people who have … READ MORE…