A Letter From The Dean: Dean and Chapter, A Partnership in Ministry

Dear St. Paul’s family, The Chapter is the name given to the cathedral’s board of directors, the equivalent of a parish vestry. It consists of the Dean, 12 people elected by the congregation, two elected by diocesan convention, and one appointed by the Bishop. Our bylaws and diocesan canons say very little about the responsibilities … READ MORE…

Spiritual Dimensions of Suicide Prevention

This blog was originally posted on 11/8/16.  Please also see this published version of Dr Parry’s letter the American Journal of Psychiatry.  As emphasized in the leading editorial and attendant articles on suicide,(1)  and by the former NIMH Director, Thomas Insel, M.D., in contrast to the medical advancements in reducing infectious diseases, significant progress in … READ MORE…

In the Nave

Mark Twain, having sat through a performance of a Wagner opera, quipped, “Wagner’s music is not as bad as it sounds.” Sitting in the nave today with its abbreviated seating options, I felt much the same way. The photos made the space look as if we’d been robbed, leaving us bereft of our pews in … READ MORE…

A Letter from the Dean: Where Are Our Pews?

Dear St. Paul’s family, Where are our Pews? It’s hard to miss: when you walk into the back of the Cathedral nave, there is a lot more space than usual. We are running an experiment this summer by removing some of the pews to make additional space and trying out different activities. This is a … READ MORE…

A letter from the Dean: Our Music MInistry

Dear St. Paul´s family, Our Pentecost celebration last Sunday was joyful and Spirit-filled. I had the blessing of attending all four services and experiencing the wide variety of gifts and cultures that we enjoy here in San Diego. We heard the Acts reading in many different languages, we experienced a graceful dance, we sang great … READ MORE…

A letter from the Dean: Membership

May 9, 2018 Dear St. Paul’s family, This week’s message is about membership and engagement. It’s evident to all of us that attendance at worship has declined in the last four or five years, from an average Sunday attendance (ASA) in 2015 of 607 to 525 in 2017. It’s not a trend any of us … READ MORE…

1st Quarter Statement Letter

Dear Cathedral family, Alleluia, Christ is risen! As we enter the second quarter of 2018 I give thanks for the dedication and generosity of our cathedral community. As always, our worship throughout Holy Week was both profoundly reflective and gloriously joyful. Many, many people dedicated themselves to preparing the church,  learning the music, creating the … READ MORE…

A letter from the Dean: Budget

Dear people of St. Paul’s, If you heard the sermons the last two Sundays, you’ve heard both Jeff and me talk about the significant gap between income and expenses in our operating budget, to the tune of about $200,000 in 2018. A number of people have said that they don’t understand where this came from: … READ MORE…