Introducing… Financial Peace University

Dear ones, Financial stewardship isn’t just wishful thinking.  It requires planning, education, and knowledge about money.  As my own children grow up I am learning more and more that many of the financial literacy skills that are important to flourish in the world today are not taught to us in any one place– either for … READ MORE…

Space … The Final Frontier?

Dear St. Paul’s Family, Space … the final frontier? Our usable space at St. Paul’s is going to go through some major changes over the next 3-5 years. Currently, most staff offices are in the administration building along with our midsize meeting room, the Guild Room. The Great Hall building houses three staff offices (accounts … READ MORE…

Bishop: Institution Perpetuator or Bold Witness?

Our Assisting Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, wrote a letter to the clergy a few months ago on the topic of “Bishop: Institution Perpetuator or Bold Witness?” As we continue the discernment and nominating process for our next bishop, here is her letter for you to consider. A member of the clergy in … READ MORE…

Uptown Community Services Center Needs you!

Dale Hoppenrath writes, Uptown Community Services Center, a ministry of St. Paul’s, is in need of a second representative from St. Paul’s to be a member of the Uptown Board of Representatives. The Board meets every other month for approximately 1.5 hours at St. Luke’s Episcopal in North Park. The Board sets the long term … READ MORE…

The Ministries Census

Every year each congregation in the Episcopal Church submits a parochial report with a variety of data about membership, attendance, and finances. A new page of the report asks for statistics regarding engagement and volunteerism, something we have never formally tracked. This spring, Chapter member Jim Greer took on the daunting task of cataloging the … READ MORE…

General Convention Day 8

Dean Penny writes Day 8 of #GC79: a long morning of legislative business debating and voting on the budget, and resolutions on responsible investment regarding Israel, caring for the children of Palestine, expanding the language of the Eucharistic prayers, and a whoe variety of stuff. I spent the lunch hour getting to know the Dean … READ MORE…

Yoga in the Nave

Dear St. Paul’s family, This week parishioner Anita Martinez will begin her series of yoga classes in the nave. I have heard some questions about the spiritual nature of yoga, and Anita has offered some reflections which I have incorporated into this letter. St. Paul tells us that our bodies are spiritual temples (1 Corinthians … READ MORE…