Believe Out Loud regional conference in San Diego

The first Believe Out Loud provincial workshop will be held in San Diego on May 7-8, 2010.

Believe Out Loud is a trans-denominational movement to articulate a welcome to GLBT people. Integrity has launched a Believe Out Loud Episcopal Congregations movement.

During the spring and summer of 2010, Integrity USA will be holding a series for workshops in every province of The Episcopal Church. They are designed to give local Episcopalians the knowledge and skills they need to help their parishes and dioceses become more welcoming and affirming of GLBT folk. The first conference will be here in San Diego, partly held at St Paul’s. More information, including registration info, is here.


  • The State Of LGBT Inclusion Within The Episcopal Church
  • Helping Your Parish Becoming More Welcoming And Affirming Of LGBT People
  • Reaching Out To The Unchurched LGBT Community
  • Organizing At The Diocesan Level For LGBT Inclusion
  • Building Or Strengthening An Integrity Chapter
  • Electing And Lobbying Bishops, Deputies, And Other Key Leaders
  • Submitting And Passing Diocesan Convention Resolutions
  • Working With Allies
  • Communicating Effectively With Marshall Ganz’s Public Narrative Approach
  • Using Print and Broadcast Media
  • Action Planning

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