Cathedral Choir Member Susan McClure wrote this letter to the San Diego Union Trib, published today.
Let me sound a note or two in defense of the Spreckels organist, Carol Williams, and the maintenance of the organ.
As a taxpayer in District 8, I have helped pay for Petco Park and the revamping and upkeep of Qualcomm Stadium, yet I have never attended a baseball game and went to just one football game in the 1960s. But a municipal stadium was for the common good even though the professional players received enormous salaries, in part because of the subsidies the city has given to the respective sports facilities.
I have never depended on any members of the City Council or their staff for any special consideration, yet as a taxpayer I help pay for all their salaries and perks. In many of my jobs, I have traveled throughout San Diego and have seen the poor upkeep and maintenance in some areas and excellent upkeep in others. One example is once-a-week street cleaning versus once-a-month with no advisory signs to move cars. Obviously, the City Council panders to those who have more influence and not to the common good of the total city. By ticketing the cars that are not moved, the city can bring in revenue and could bring in more by posting warning signs in areas that lack them. Just 15 cars a week would pay the $500 it costs for the municipal organist’s pay.
When my four children were young, and I stayed home to raise them while my husband worked and money was extremely tight, the accessibility of Balboa Park for the free organ concerts and the accessibility of the museums on Tuesdays enabled the children to grow up with a love of music and the arts.
So now some are using Williams’ small salary as a tool to cut the budget, given that she only plays one hour a week. This woman, with a doctorate in musical arts, comes to San Diego with a resume that exceeds those of the sports players and I am sure most of the City Council. Her magnificent skills are a drawing power for people to visit the park and the Organ Pavilion. Surely the many visitors also bring in money that is then spent in other park venues and businesses in San Diego.
Initial news accounts failed to mention that her salary appeared high because she prepares and rehearses on her own time. Also left out was that the Organ Society does cover some of the expenses.
When John D. and Adolph Spreckels donated the organ and the pavilion in 1914, I am sure they had altruistic motives for the betterment of the people of San Diego. I wish I could feel that council members had the same instead of pandering to their own interests and to others over the years that has led the city into budgetary problems.