During the quiet summer months, the Chapter and staff of St. Paul’s Cathedral are busy at work managing the complex, varied and interconnected aspects of Cathedral life. While Chapter meetings are often full of vibrant discussion and clarification, the August meeting this past Tuesday is truly worthy of an Olympic Gold medal! The staff, regular and occasional, Warden’s and Dean’s reports were received with little commentary and our work was completed in record time!
The usual battery of reports was presented. Here is a quick update:
Staff reports –
- Kathleen Burgess – Administrative Operations – Work is moving forward on the Great Hall Bathroom Remodel. New and less restrictive kitchen use policy is being developed.
- Robin Taylor – Children, Youth and Family (CYF) – The tie-dyed Pride t-shirts are a huge hit! So too are the interesting (and growing) Lego creations on exhibit. Culmination of collaborative 4-month baccalaureate program with service in July. Camp Spirit coming in Aug.
- The Rev Laurel Mathewson – Christian Formation – Solid turn-out for the summer book study
- The Rev. Jeff Martinhauk – Congregational Development and Stewardship – Year-round stewardship series kicked off July 31.
- The Rev. Canon Brooks Mason – Liturgy and Music – Taking a well-deserved and much-needed vacation. Will return later this month
- The Rev. Colin Mathewson – Outreach, Mission and Latino Ministry – Jen Jow and Jeff Green have agreed to co-lead the Outreach Committee
Regular and Occasional Reports
- Endowment – N/A
- Buildings and Ground – Bob Oslie – Covered in the Administrative Operations report.
- Finance Committee – Betsey Monsell – See Audit Committee below.
- Audit Committee –Alan Cornell, Pat Kreder and Mark Patzman
- Resolution to accept audited financial for 2014 and 2015 was presented, seconded and approved. BIG NEWS!! We will have our audited financials turned into the Diocese before the September 1 deadline for the first time in recent memory. Well done!
- LLC – Ken Tranbarger – Regular report and financials submitted. Reviewing sale possibility of Laurel Bay condo.
Wardens’ Reports
- People’s Warden – Elizabeth Carey – Grateful to Mark Lester for taking over the blog post for July due to unexpected extension of vacation.
- Dean’s Warden – Mark Patzman – Recent promotion at work (!) which amazes me since he spends SO much time on Cathedral matters.
- Dean’s Report – Penny Bridges – Second cohort of Stephen Ministers is in training; gift received for a comprehensive audiovisual system for the cathedral and Great Hall
Old business
- Dashboard metrics review – Dashboard for Aug 2016 Meeting.pptx
- 2016 Mutual Ministry Review – Scheduled for 9/17 at the Cathedral.
- Nominating Committee Policy – Many thanks to Mark Lester (again!) for clarifying and simplifying the nominating process for future Chapter members. A motion to accept the policy was seconded and accepted. Please join the Dean and Warden’s for the Forum on Sunday, September 4 at 9 am to learn first hand about the process. Bring your questions.
- North Park Project update – The Diocese distributed a letter via email on this afternoon (Fri 8/5) regarding the collaboration between St. Paul’s Cathedral and St. Luke’s Church in North Park. A copy of the letter can be found here http://edsd.org/courage-and-imagination-for-twenty-first-century-ministry/ This is an exciting opportunity to fulfill the guidelines of our Vision for Mission. While we will formally say good-bye to Colin and Laurel on September 25, the collaboration with them as vicars-in-charge at St. Luke’s will keep us in close connection. We also welcomed to Chapter as a new member Dexter Semple from St. Luke’s. He will fulfill the place vacated by Cathey Dawdle as an appointee of the Diocese on our Chapter.
New business
- Chapter Service Forum – As noted above, schedule for September 4 at 9 am
- Date of next meeting – September 6, 2016
Appreciations, Regrets and Closing Prayer
Until next month, I am your People’s Warden,
Elizabeth Carey.