During our Advent Forum series and our Advent Edition of Living Wi$ely (online here: http://stpaulcathedral.org/9am-forum and here http://stpaulcathedral.org/livingwisely ) we have been talking about Advent Calendars and how they can be much more than a fond childhood memory about little cardboard windows and chocolates. They can really be a wonderful devotional, helping us to slow down, day by day, and soak into the season of Advent.
Today, Advent Calendars are online, mutli-media interfaces that help us to focus on this season of waiting and joyful anticipation through daily readings, reflections and prayers. Here are three that I have enjoyed so far. I particularly like Busted Halo as there is both a reflection and a mini-challenge with each one (and although it is online, it’s not afraid to challenge us to get OFFline!). But I really like little challenges.
Remember, Advent is also a season of “beginning anew.” With all the talk of a “quiet Advent” and not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas prematurely, there is always space to get busy with the business of being Christ to ourselves and others during this holy season of waiting. To “begin again” in our lives in Christ as we await His birth. Let’s get busy!
Society of St. John the Evangelist: http://pinterest.com/iamepiscopalian/advent-calendar/ Christ to ourselves and others during this holy season of waiting. To “begin again” in our lives in Christ as we await His birth. Let’s get busy!
Church of England: http://www.whywearewaiting.com/ Christ to ourselves and others during this holy season of waiting. To “begin again” in our lives in Christ as we await His birth. Let’s get busy!
Busted Halo: http://bustedhalo.com/features/advent-calendar-2012