People’s Warden Report

NOVEMBER 7 , 2017
Chapter Colleagues – notable updates, cathedral news and events

A LLC Comments, Questions and Answers
General comments from parishioners:
– Thank you for the forum regarding the CCRP and giving us an update.
– Please keep us informed of any changes since this project has been going on for so long.
– I am not good with computers and don’t attend church every Sunday to know what’s happening so thank you for the forum.
– The presentation was good but I would like a hand out next time to make notes.

Q. I heard that our server went down and we didn’t back up our system, I am not a tech whiz but shouldn’t there have been a backup or some type of IT service checking on our systesm? I heard from others that there was a lot of documents , pictures and historical stuff lost, what have we done to rectify that this situation so it doesn’t happen again.
A. I definitely am not a tech whiz, know enough to be dangerous lol. . Yes, the server crashed but no fault of any cathedral staff members. The situation is complex and way above my paygrade to explain all the details but I can give you a summary that may help you understand. When a sever is used there usually are multiple individual storage drives that houses system users data information saved (ie pictures , documents, events and calendars, templates) plus allows access for users off-site too.
Initial problem was identified with slowness between programs and accessing documents which was reported to the contracted tech support service. They came out to trouble shoot and concluded it was a storage drive that crashed but
all stuff was still saved; replaced drive with new one.

Several months later there was another issue with the server being very slow and hard to access saved documents; service call made found out now another drive was not working and it didn’t save all the information that was supposedly stored. The back-ups that was supposed to be saved to cloud didn’t happen either so the nightmare begins.
Kathleen Burgess and the service technician spent hours trying to rectify the situation and the data couldn’t be recalled – system totally crashed. Cathedral staff spent many hours deciding on the next
course of action and getting proposals on a new server. In the mean time everyone was issued a flash drive to store their data. A new server has been chosen and Kathleen will be facilitating the install, training, and ongoing service contract ( not using the old provider for new system). Hopefully, this explanation better helps you to understand the complexity of the situation. Thanks for asking!

Submitted Very Respectfully,
Jennifer “Jen” Jow 

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