Hello St. Paul’s,
Lent is a time to focus our faith and deepen our commitment to Christ. Please sign up for one or more of our Lenten formation offerings below.
See you on Sunday!
Your Sister in Christ,

“Make Me an Instrument: A Guide to Civil Discourse”
Sunday Forum at 9 am, Five weeks, March 9-April 6 in the Guild Room
The mission of the church is to reconcile all people to God and to each other. In a divided and polarized world, how might we carry out that mission? The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has developed this five week class on Civil Discourse to help us grow in our ability to listen across divisions and to be instruments of reconciliation. All are welcome to participate in this class which will be led by clergy and members of the Peace and Justice committee.

“The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World” by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Monday Book Study at 6:30 pm, four sessions starting March 10, via Zoom
In the Gospels Jesus promises us life abundant, meant for all. What can we learn about abundance from our observation of God’s creation? Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of “Braiding Sweetgrass”, offers a bold and inspiring vision for how to orient our lives around gratitude, reciprocity, and community, based on the lessons of the natural world. Join Diane Lopez Hughes and other members of the Diocese in this four part study. To sign up contact Diane at dianelopezhughes@me.com.

What is an Episcopalian? A Study of the Episcopal Church
Five session Inquirers Class, Wednesdays at 3 pm, in person, starting March 12
At the Great Vigil of Easter on April 19 our Bishop will baptize, confirm, and receive those who wish to strengthen their commitment to the Episcopal Church. This class will offer preparation for this ritual as well as a refresher for longtime members. We will use “Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices” by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe as our text for this five session class, which will be led by cathedral clergy. Sign up online (Click Here)

For Personal Devotions
St. Paul’s Cathedral Daily Lenten Reflections. We will once again publish a booklet of reflections by members of the parish for each day of Lent, focusing on the Daily Office Scripture readings. Copies are available in the porches, or you can find the reflections online, Click Here.

Stations of the Cross, Fridays at 6 pm starting March 7
On Friday evenings of Lent we offer the ancient meditation of walking the Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral. This 40 minute service takes us on the journey from the condemnation of Jesus by Pontius Pilate to his final repose in the tomb provided by Joseph of Arimathea. You can find an online version of this meditation at stpaulcathedral.org/lent/

Encounters with Silence: a Lenten Quiet Day with the Rev. Robert Bryant
Saturday April 5 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Join Fr Bryant for a day of reflection, meditation and prayer as we prepare for Holy Week. We will gather in the Guild Room for morning prayer. Fr Bryant will lead three meditations throughout the day, and there will be ample time throughout the day for participants to walk the labyrinth, journal, and meditate. We will conclude with Stations of the Cross in the Cathedral at 3 pm. Bring a bag lunch: beverages will be provided. Please sign up in advance. Click Here to Sign Up Online.