Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers

From our Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living Creation Care Ministries

Gracious God, we thank you for the warm rich soil and our indigenous neighbors’ rich wisdom.  Help us also to be wise in ways of listening to how we can learn to nurture our gardens and the make abundant fruit of your earth – in substance and spirit – available to all of your people.  With the Holy Spirit and your Son who taught us love, we pray. Amen.

Education and Action
This week our two ministries collaborate to offer a resource both addressing creation care and respect for the deep knowledge of our indigenous sisters and brothers. Enjoy this Yes! Magazine article written in May 2020 and still relevant today (CLICK HERE).

“Working in a garden develops your relationship to the land,” says Aubrey Skye, a Hunkpapa Lakota gardener. “Our ancestors understood that. Look at the old pictures. It’s etched on their faces. When you understand it as well, a sense of scarcity and insecurity transforms into a feeling of abundance and control—something we all need these days.”

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