Advent Forum Series

Join us for a four-week forum series centering on the human quest for peace at every level of our lives. With Dean Richardson hosting the series, each forum will have its own guest speaker. Sundays at 9am.

Nov. 28 — Dale Wilson: Searching for Serenity. Dale is completely committed to the ongoing discipline of dancing in the rain as a way of dealing with life’s storms. He grew up in a radically dysfunctional and destructive home, spent years in a cycle of violence, addiction and crime, and now lives a clean and sober life that allows him to be of service to many others as he pursues greater wisdom and deeper love.

Dec. 5—Amnon ben Yehuda: Searching for Peace in the World.
Amnon will tell a soldier’s story about healing the wounds of war. He will describe his personal journey to healing after suffering a very serious bullet injury to his head. Equally grievous was the loss of many of his comrades in a heroic and painful battle in the Galilee. It has been a journey of forty years that he appreciates having the opportunity to share.

Dec. 12—The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas: Searching for Peace Right Here.
Canon Thomas will give us tools for deeper communication with those living closely to us—neighbors, spouses, partners, family members—so that the Reign of God, said by our Lord to be very near, might manifest more powerfully in our day-to-day lives.

Dec. 19—The Rev. Canon Mary Moreno Richardson: Searching for Peace in Dark Places.
Rev. Mary has spent a considerable portion of her ministry providing direction and solace to those in great need (victims of human trafficking, harassed gay teens, immigrant children awaiting deportation hearings, women and children who have suffered domestic violence, incarcerated youth in East LA). She will share the hope and wisdom she has gathered from her years ministering to those who dwell in darkness and yearn for light.

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