In December, Women Together chose the theme of “Self Care and the Warmth of Friendship.” This turned out to be one of our most enjoyable and interactive evenings. Although several ladies were delayed by bad traffic, that was soon forgotten once they had a chance to chat with each other. Unfortunately, those of us who arrived late missed Dr. Pat Lindquist’s guided imagery. Pat invited us to recall a memory of a joyful Christmas past, and guided us toward bringing this happy memory forward to frame our present Christmas season. Ooohh, how pleasant and relaxing!
Lisa Churchill then led us in a jewelry-making craft activity. She provided shimmery yarn in a variety of colors, and taught us how to make ladder ribbon necklaces. While weaving these beautiful strands of yarn, we enjoyed the warmth of fellowship while we got to know each other better. As with all creative activities some found it much easier than others. And we had some real “Over Achievers” as you can see by their beautiful results.
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It was clear that this evening was a real hit with everyone by how late they stayed after the meeting was concluded. Some wanted to finish their necklaces while others were simply enjoying good conversation. Lisa provided “take home packets” for those who wanted to continue their projects at home. (If you are interested in the pattern, click here for a PDF file.)
There will be no meeting in January, but on Thursday, February 3rd from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, Pat Lindquist will speak on The Psychology of the Stranger. Pat is a member of the Cathedral and a clinical psychologist in private practice, trained in London at the Freud Center and at the Washington School of Psychiatry. She will discuss the various human strategies we use to avoid stranger anxiety. Since our task at the Cathedral is to welcome the stranger, Pat will help us recognize and master our own stranger anxiety and turn it into a constructive welcome to those we don’t yet know. Look for Women Together @ St. Paul’s publicity and RSVP information in mid-January.
Women Together @ St. Paul’s wish the Cathedral family a very blessed Christmas and look forward to a wonderful New Year!
Pat Kreder
(Click on any image for a closer view!)