Dean Letter: Wishing you Easter joy and God’s peace in this season

Dear St. Paul’s family,
has been a particularly poignant Lenten season in our life of faith. We
have walked through the wilderness separated by distance, unable to
meet in person as a congregation, troubled by the global pandemic and
economic realities of a world in which we have been torn from our normal
yet, as Easter people we wait in hope, knowing that God holds us close.
At the entrance to a dark tomb two thousand years ago, hope seemed to
be lost. But God did something new, and the tomb, empty, became a womb
of new life.
as we wait to see what new life God holds in store for us, perhaps we
can already catch a glimpse. The online communities we have formed,
checking in for Morning Prayer together, sharing stories and support in
Circles of Love, and continuing our regular worship schedule, have
allowed us to carry on being the people of God.
look forward to returning to our treasured buildings when it is deemed
safe. Until then, your Cathedral is still hard at work. We have family
offerings every day of the week. We have record attendance online.
Pastoral care is happening in new ways.
are here to support those who are affected by this pandemic in every
way we can, including through our pastoral needs fund. I hope that we
can continue to pay our extraordinary staff team, as we work to keep the
Cathedral vital as an agent of connection and new life, walking through
this crisis together. In the absence of in-person services and plate
offerings, our financial resources are fragile. I am very grateful to
those who have taken the initiative to prepay pledges. If you are able, I
invite you to make a special Easter donation to keep the cathedral
going as together we Love Christ, Serve Others, and Welcome All.
Wishing you Easter joy and God’s peace in this season,
Your sister in Christ,
The Very Rev. Penny Bridges
Dean, St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral

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