Vote for this video with local Servicemembers.

SPC member Jasper Kump told us a while back about The Military Acceptance Project which works to help servicemembers who feel marginalized in their community.  Now is your chance to help:

When the White House called for a compelling video that spotlights everyday, unsung heroes in the LGBT community who are creating positive change in the lives of fellow Americans, the San Diego-based Military Acceptance Project answered. Their video, entitled Just LikeYou, was selected as one of only six semifinalists in this historic challenge and features seven local LGBT service members and veterans.

Voting online is happening NOW and only until June 25.

To vote for the Military Acceptance Project’s video, visit the White House’s website at:
For more information on the work of the Military Acceptance Project visit:

And remember, St Paul’s now has a Military Outreach Ministry of its own. If you are a servicemember, a service family, or just want to get involved, check it out!

And don’t forget to vote!

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