In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.
Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, Music and the Arts, Formation, Community, Cathedral for the City & Diocese, and Outreach & Justice. The committee has drawn in a large number of parishioners to help form these objectives and actions, and we have referred back to the congregational survey conducted in 2013. Our hope is to implement the final plan at the beginning of 2016.
This is one of a series of blog posts, each of which gives a concise description of the draft objectives and strategic actions under each goal area. We welcome feedback and comments at
Vision for Mission Objectives: Community
Our goal for Community is to be known as a community of Christ, with groups and ministries that are accessible to all.
This goal encompasses physical accessibility, pastoral care, and the full incorporation of newcomers and parishioners in every demographic.
To live into this goal, our first objective is to make the fullest use of space and furnishings so that all public space is ADA compliant, to create a system of adequate and accessible storage space, and to develop policies for availability, utilization, and permission to use space and furnishings throughout the cathedral campus.
The second objective concerns the nurturing of our Latino/Hispanic community, including Spanish language and Latino/a inclusiveness in all publications, and ensuring that staff and ministry leadership have fluent Spanish language skills.
Our final objective for Community creates a culture where all who identify as members of St. Paul’s have a sense of belonging to this community. Small groups will include cultures of diverse interests and needs, incorporating newcomers to all ministry groups. Pastoral care ministries will be established on an organized, transparent, and comprehensive basis.