The Power and Healing of Stories

Attendees of Winter Talk 2023 pose for a group photo Jan. 21 at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Photo: Jeremy Tackett

From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action

Storytelling is vital way to share information, especially as the words of the storyteller enlighten us about their experiences and how they impact them, and all of us. Stories can move us to action.

At this year’s annual Winter Talk, organized by TEC Office of Indigenous Ministries, PB Michael Curry told the fifty plus attendees that he was there to listen.

That’s what we are called to do: to really listen when we hear the storyteller’s heartfelt words. Let us commit to listening to our Kumeyaay and other indigenous neighbors as we learn from their words as we hope for meaningful relationship.

For more information on the gathering (Click Here)

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