The People’s Warden Reports on Chapter

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees as well as the Board of Directors of Saint Paul’s Senior Homes and Services. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.

Special guests at our November meeting included The Rev. Joan Ford, Rev. Andrew Rank, Jim Wright and Jerry Campbell, all committee members of Dorcas House. Jerry is the new chair of the Dorcas House Committee and presented a report to the Chapter. The committee plans to develop additional Dorcas House sponsorship including links to other churches and foundations. Increased financial stability and independence for Dorcas House is an objective. Chapter approved appropriate draws from the Hopper Funds for the recruitment of a Dorcas House Development Coordinator and a Program Director.

Dr. Stew Dadmun presented a report on the Endowment Committee. Of special note, several committee membership transitions are due. Stew is retiring as a member and chair of the committee. Betsey Monsell was nominated as the new committee chair and George Kuhrts was nominated for a second three-year term. Nominations were approved by the Chapter.

Dr. Bart Smoot reported that the Finance Committee is at work on the 2014 Cathedral budget. A financial report was presented and discussed. Erin Sacco Pineda was thanked for her continuing contributions to updating Cathedral financial reports.

The Search Committee is very pleased with the four Dean candidates that are being considered. Visits to each of the candidates is ongoing and in turn it is anticipated that they will visit San Diego as part of the selection process.

Canon Chris Harris presented us with stewardship campaign information. To date 235 congregants have responded to the Stewardship gatherings and more are anticipated. A draft Chapter Stewardship Statement was discussed, edited and signed by all of the Chapter members.

As to New Business, it was moved and so very much approved that Rev. Allisyn Thomas be named an Honorary Canon of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Allisyn has moved to her new diocesan office as Canon to the Ordinary.

Dean’s Warden, Mark Lester, participated in the most recent Nutmeg and Olive LLC meeting. The sale of the property on Nutmeg is progressing well. Development planning for the period after the sale of this property is ongoing.

People’s Warden, Judy Moore, assisted by Colin Mathewson and Gladis Jimenez in preparing copy, placed an advertisement in El Latino about upcoming events at the Cathedral.

Interim Dean, Rebecca McClain, reported the renovation of the chapel is progressing well. Lighting and flooring is being replaced. The chapel walls are being replastered and sample chairs are on order for evaluation. Dedication of the Chapel is planned for December 15th.

As always, I encourage you to talk to me during coffee hour after the 10:30pm or 1:00p.m. services or contact me at if you have any thoughts or concerns.

Blessings and joy to all of you.

Judy Moore

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