The Instructed Eucharist: photos

Things get underway with an introduction

The Instructed Eucharist is the culmination of The Episcopal Way (formerly “What is an Episcopalian?), our seekers course that prepares folk for baptism, confirmation, or reception at Easter (or provides “old hands” with a refresher!)

The students play all the roles in a Eucharist (except priest 😉 with lots of starts and stops and “why do we do that?”   accompanied by experienced altar servers to guide them on their way.  
Like many current servers, Head Verger Lisa Churchill got her start in  the Instructed Eucharist, where she was a thurifer.  So take a look, because we may well see these students on the altar again! 
Thanks to Verger Todd Hurrell for the photos!
Thurifer has a good head of Holy Smoke!

Lector, guided by Verger

Lots of Deacons on that altar with the Rev Laurel Mathewson celebrating
Congratulations everyone, well done!

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